WesTex Run-n-Gun

February 7 - 9, 2025


The event is February 7, 8 and 9, 2025. If we have enough interest, 20 minimum, we will add a short course on Sunday (3 miles & 5 shooting stations) for an additional $100 including two meals.  We're not taking any money for that now.  You can sign up and pay when you get here for the Sunday course.  It'll include a breakfast and lunch.  For Friday and Saturday the registration is $300.  It includes the Saturday event as well as a two night stay in on-site bunkhouses, T-shirt, Friday night pasta dinner, 6 a.m. breakfast and Saturday night dinner.  There will also be a 6 a.m. cash breakfast Friday morning. Bunkhouses are without linens and towels, so bring your own. You may want to upgrade to a private cabin. A $15 per night bunkhouse credit will be applied to your upgrade. The added cost for upgraded accommodations will be paid when you arrive. Range Officers will pay half price ($150 and a bunkhouse) and will run the course on Friday.  Everyone is invited to come out as early as Thursday to become acclimated to our mile high elevation and to use the on-site range to verify your zero. We will offer a 4-man team award.  Cost per team is $60 ($15 ea) payable on arrival. There are no refunds after 12/31/24.


FEBRAURY 7 - 9, 2025


Register as a participant to enjoy our WesTex Run-N-Gun full experience. Most participants will arrive on Friday but you are welcome to arrive as early as Thursday.


Register as a Range Officer (Experienced Required). You will run the course on Friday and facilitate on Saturday. Most Range Officers will arrive on Thursday. (Maximum 30).


The course will be approximately 5 miles. This distance includes over 300 feet in elevation gain thru steep rocky terrain. There will be 8 stations.

70% of points will be based on your shooting and 30% on how fast you run the course. The shooting score will be determined by the elapsed time to hit all targets. Par times will be established prior to the event. The time limit per station is 3 minutes.

The Range Officer will explain the course of fire at each station and solicit questions. On the command "make ready" you will insert magazine, chamber a round and put the firearm on safety. You should already have your hearing protection on and your gear adjusted when you arrive on station. The clock starts on the command "go". Time waiting to begin a station along with your shoot time will be recorded by one of the Range Officers. You are encouraged to take your own stop watch to compare wait times with Range Officers. While traveling between stations the rifle must have an empty chamber and no magazine inserted. This will be checked on arrival and departure at each station. Participants found carrying a loaded rifle will be disqualified. Pistols may be loaded, but remain holstered.

Course of Fire 2024

  • Shooter will address two rifle targets at 70 yards and one at 100 yards, move to a second position for four rifle targets at 75 to 200 yards, move to a third shooting position, ground rifle and address 6 pistol targets at 15 to 25 yards. Seven rifle targets, six pistol.

  • There are trees the shooter can use for a rest for the first two stages and a VTAC board to be used as a rest for the final stage. The overall distance traveled will be approximately 100 yards. Stage one is two 12" square targets at 190 yards. Stage 2 is two targets at 200 and 240 yards. The final stage is five discs at 75 yards and two 12"x12" targets at 170 and 200 yards. Eleven rifle hits total.

  • The shooter will begin this stage from the right side of a rock dam. There are five targets at distances from 180 to 200 yards. Shooter will clear and lock open rifle before moving to the left side of the dam for the pistol stage. There are nine pistol targets ranging from 20 yards to 35 yards. Five rifle hits, nine pistol.

  • These are high angle targets at an average of 100 yards. The first stage is a single 18" disc. Each of the remaining three stages consist of two targets requiring one hit each. Total distance traveled is approximately 90 yards. 7 hits required.

  • You are shooting from large rock at a downward angle. The first two targets are at 200 yards. The third target is 250 yards. The last two are at 300 and 350 yards. The last two targets are 20" wide and 24" tall. The near targets are 8" wide and 10" tall. 5 hits required.

  • On command “Go”, shooter advances a short distance to the rock outcropping and addresses two targets @200 yards, two @325 yards. Shooter will move to a prone position for remaining two @400 yards. Most shooters fire from kneeling while using the rock formation for a rest. The location for the prone position is within 5 yards of the original position. Target sizes are approximately 12" square @ 200 yd. 13" x 22" silhouette @ 325 yd and 23" x 19" dog type (head & shoulders) @ 400 yds. 6 rifle hits.

  • Shooting position are shooters choice. Your rifle sling is the only assist, i.e, no bipods. The first 5 targets are silhouette style at ranges from 200 to 325 yards. The final 4 targets are at 400, 450 and two at 500 yards. The 500 yard targets are 24" discs. 9 hits required.

  • The first stage will be the 870 shotgun. There are three targets from 40 to 60 yards. This stage is fired from the bed of an abandoned pick-up truck. Upon completion, shooter grounds the 870 and dismounts truck to address the seventeen pistol targets. Targets range from ten to 30 yards and one target at 50 yards. The final stage is fired from prone position through a 55-gallon drum at a CO2 bottle @25 yards to stop the clock. 3 shotgun, 16 pistol hits required.

participant rules.

  1. Minimum rifle caliber 5.45 x 39, pistol 9mm.


  3. Hits will be called the the Range Officer.  Do not advance to the next target if a hit has not been called.

  4. There are no restrictions on optics for rifle or pistol.

  5. Bipods allowed.

  6. Hearing protection is mandatory for all courses of fire.  Eye protection is required for pistol stages.

  7. All gear must be carried for the entire course.  If you shed clothing or water bottles, they go in your pack.  If you drop gear on movement phases of a station that gear cannot be recovered after you've finished the stage.  Pick it up as you go.  You can't go back.

  8. Range Officers have the final say.  Participants that demonstrate unsafe behavior will be disqualified.

What to bring.

  • Water is not an option.  32 ounces or 6 ounces per mile is the minimum recommended.  No water will be provided on course.

  • Weapon maintenance tools.  If you experience problems that you can't fix you will not have a chance to re-run the course.  

  • Ammunition.  Double the required amount is a good guide.

  • Basic 1st aid kit.

  • Footgear with ankle support.

  • Stopwatch.